PSGE 2022

PSGE 2022 admin 08/10/2024

Plastics Summit - Global Event

Le Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022 est un événement disruptif, un forum d’idées, dont l’objectif est de rassembler toutes les parties prenantes afin de faire converger leurs différentes visions et de présenter des solutions complètes et engageantes pour l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur du plastique, ainsi que de promouvoir la sensibilisation à la citoyenneté climatique sur la base des piliers de la santé planétaire.

Cet événement a mobilisé l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur du plastique, ce qui a débouché sur une vision et une action globales en vue de créer un avenir plus durable et circulaire avec le plastique.


Nous avons été très heureux de voir que le Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022 a renforcé son engagement climatique en compensant les émissions liées à l’événement grâce à la certification Carbono Zero®, la référence en matière de calcul et de compensation des émissions de carbone, fournie par Ponto Verde Serviços. Cette certification a permis de bloquer les émissions au moyen de crédits de carbone provenant de la forêt nationale ou de normes de référence internationales.
Dans le cadre de cet événement majeur dans le domaine de la durabilité, 51,8 crédits carbone – mesurés en tonnes d’équivalent CO2 – ont été compensés sur un horizon de 5 à 10 ans dans le périmètre de la forêt nationale de la bourse Carbono Zero®, plus précisément sur 0,85 hectare de la Quinta da França, située dans la municipalité de Covilhã, dont la supervision a été confiée à Terraprima.




Panel 1

L'efficacité des mesures réglementaires appliquées à la chaîne de valeur des plastiques. Réflexions sur leur élaboration, leur mise en oeuvre et leur suivi.

L'importance de l'engagement des principaux acteurs dans l'élaboration des politiques

A l’heure où, globalement, plusieurs mesures restrictives ont été mises en place, afin de limiter l’utilisation de certains produits plastiques, et compte tenu des objectifs exigeants dans la collecte, le recyclage et la réutilisation de matières recyclées, il est important de connaître la position des différents acteurs de la chaîne de valeur des plastiques sur ces mesures.
Ce panel a discuté les méthodes d’élaboration des textes législatifs et réglementaires, l’évaluation de leur impact, équité, applicabilité, moyens, supervision et efficacité, ainsi que les chemins à suivre qui reflètent une vision convergente vers une vraie économie circulaire. De plus, l’écodesign, les opérations de gestion et de traitement des déchets ainsi que l’impératif de changement de comportement des consommateurs occupent une place importante dans cette discussion.

Member of the Board at Portuguese Environment Agency

Policy & Advocacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Executive Director at Zero Waste Europe

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Head of Sales Polyamide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Chief Executive Officer at Sirplaste, S.A.

Managing Director at Plastics Europe

Senior Packaging Sustainability Manager at Unilever Brazil

Lors de l’Assemblée des Nations unies pour l’environnement (UNEA-5) à Nairobi, les représentants de 175 nations ont approuvé la rédaction d’un traité international juridiquement contraignant visant à réduire la pollution plastique dans les océans. En même temps, l’économie bleue durable est un vecteur stratégique pour stimuler la valorisation économique, sociale et environnementale des océans.
Dans ce contexte, il était important de connaître les principales sources de pollution des océans et les problèmes environnementaux réels qui y sont associés, leurs impacts et l’efficacité des solutions actuelles. En outre, il était essentiel de sensibiliser aux actions qui doivent être mises en œuvre pour préserver efficacement ce système naturel, en atténuant la pollution actuelle et en prévenant de nouvelles formes de pollution.

Panel 2

Pollution des océans : Les vraies causes. L'efficacité des solutions actuelles. Défis pour l'avenir.

L'importance du changement de comportement

Co-Founder and President at Waste Free Oceans (WFO) Foundation

Academia Member from Tecnologico of Monterrey

Co-Founder and CEO at Plastix

Circular Economy Specialist Techinician at Nueva Pescanova Group

General Director for Portuguese Maritime Policy

Assistant Deputy Director in General Subdirectorate for the Protection of the Sea

Former VP of Latin America at the Coca-Cola Company and Former Ambassador of Chile in Portugal

Senior Advisor for Environment and Climate at CIP – Portuguese Business Confederation

Panel 3

Instruments de lutte contre l'écoblanchiment.

L'importance de l'empreinte environnementale du produit (PEF), du Label Eco-Efficacité et du Passeport Numérique du Produit.

À une époque où les déclarations relatives à la durabilité des produits augmentent à un rythme sans précédent et où des produits de substitution au plastique sont introduits sur le marché, il était de la plus haute importance de mettre en débat des politiques et des initiatives conçues pour améliorer la performance environnementale globale des produits tout au long de leur cycle de vie.
L’empreinte environnementale du produit (PEF), le label d’éco-efficacité et le passeport numérique du produit sont autant d’outils qui contribueront à accroître la transparence et la transmission d’informations sur les produits achetés par le consommateur, permettant ainsi un choix plus durable.

Prof. at Católica University/Vizelpas

Prof. at Univ Coimbra & Coordinator of the Center for Industrial Ecology

Chairman at Logoplaste

Secretary-General at BCSD Portugal

Plastic Material Engineer / Sustainability Leader at DECATHLON

Chairman at New Normal Consulting

Policy Officer at European Commission

Founder and President at Business as Nature

Conscient que le changement climatique est peut-être le plus grand défi auquel notre société doit faire face aujourd’hui, et que le contenir est de la responsabilité de tous les acteurs des différentes chaînes de valeur, il est important de connaître la feuille de route et l’engagement de l’industrie du plastique pour atteindre la neutralité carbone.
D’autre part, un système planétaire durable exigera un changement radical des comportements humains individuels et collectifs, à l’échelle mondiale, pour protéger l’avenir de la santé humaine, basée sur la durabilité des ressources naturelles de la planète.
Ainsi, il était crucial de débattre sur la perspective transdisciplinaire de la santé planétaire et le rôle des villes pour faciliter l’adoption de leurs principes pour la création d’une véritable citoyenneté environnementale et climatique.

Panel 4

L'objectif global de la neutralité carbone : La feuille de route de la plasturgie pour la décarbonation. Citoyenneté climatique et santé planétaire.

CEO and Co-Founder at Reloop

Sustainable Cities Coordinator at WWF Mexico

General Manager at Renewable Energy Cluster

Chief Development Officer at Ernst & Young GSA (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)

Head of Strategic Planning and Corporate Communication at Novamount

World Leading Expert in Sustainability

Behavioral Scientist at Nova Medical School

Polyolefins Marketing Manager at Repsol


La Déclaration de Position

La Déclaration de Position « Au-delà des mots… Créer un avenir durable » est le principal résultat du Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022 (PSGE 2022), obtenu grâce à une vision globale et intersectorielle des actions visant à améliorer l’économie circulaire et la durabilité de l’environnement.
La Déclaration de Position a été structurée et développée avec la participation des membres du comité d’organisation (APIP) du Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022, ainsi que 80 personnalités, dont les orateurs de chaque panel du PSGE 2022 et les membres du Comité d’Experts. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs réunions ont été organisées pour obtenir des réponses et échanger des idées qui ont abouti à la Déclaration de Position finale.
La Déclaration de Position est un mix de recommandations et d’engagements répartis en quatre lignes d’action principales : processus réglementaire et législatif, pollution des océans, produits durables et éco-déclarations et neutralité carbone. Le but est d’apporter une contribution fondamentale à la poursuite des objectifs de développement durable (ODD 12 – Production et consommation durables, ODD 13 – Action pour le climat et ODD 14 – Protection de la vie marine), à l’économie circulaire et à l’utilisation efficace des ressources.
La Déclaration de Position peut être signée par tout le monde (individu ou société) et s’adresse à toutes les parties prenantes de la chaîne de valeur, des producteurs de matières premières aux consommateurs, en passant par les services, l’industrie (fabricants et recycleurs, utilisateurs finaux et logistique) ainsi que les tierces parties telles que la recherche, les gouvernements, les régulateurs, les ONG et la société civile.
Par ailleurs, cette Déclaration de position sera présentée aux décideurs politiques et aux organisations internationales, dans le but de contribuer efficacement à l’élaboration des politiques locales, régionales, nationales et mondiales.

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Ana Cristina Carrola
Member of the Board at Portuguese Environment Agency

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Ana Cristina Carrola has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon in the area of Processes and Industry branch and a Post-Graduation in Water Quality and Pollution Control from the Civil Engineering Department of the Science and Technology Faculty of the University of Coimbra.

She develops and monitors issues in the environmental area since 1994, when she started public service functions at the Water Institute.

At APA she is responsible for the technical areas of Waste, Environmental Licensing, Environmental Reference Laboratory and its regional network and circular economy.

Carolina Gregorio
Policy & Advocacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at DOW Chemical

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Carolina Gregorio joined Dow in 2007 and since then held several roles in the Packaging & Specialty Plastics business.  Earlier this year, she assumed her current role as EMEA Policy and Advocacy Strategy Director. Prior to that, she hold comercial and marketing roles, including global project leader for some Dow’s packaging innovation platform targeting value creation across markets and applications. She has elaborated the marketing strategy for Dow’s bio-based offering and has been leading its implementation globally.

Carolina holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Santiago de Compostela University in Spain and an Executive MBA from EAE Business School.

Joan Marc Simon
Executive Director at Zero Waste Europe

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Joan Marc Simon is a social entrepreneur, activist and author based in Brussels where he directs the work of Zero Waste Europe. He has been a leading voice for Zero Waste in Europe since 2007 and he is a regular speaker in many industry and NGO meeting in Brussels but also at local level as well as internationally. He is member of the Steering Committee of the Break Free from Plastic movement. Among many other publications he has authored the Zero Waste Masterplan for cities, Dare to imagine a better future…starting with plastic! as well as books on Zero Waste an plastic.

With a background in Economics, he has decades of experience working with governmental and non-governmental organisations in the field of good governance, new economics, social justice and environment.

Zero Waste Europe is a network of 33 zero waste groups in 27 European countries with the mission of redesigning our relationship with resources. Zero Waste Europe also brings together 400 municipalities moving towards zero waste.

Jorge Moreira da Silva
Chairman at Platform for Sustainable Growth

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Jorge Moreira da Silva is Chairman of the think-tank Platform for Sustainable Growth (which he founded in 2011) and Professor at Sciences Po, in Paris.

He recently stepped down as Director of the Development Co-operation Directorate at OECD, in Paris (2016-2022). From 2013 to 2015, he was Portugal’s Minister of Environment, Energy and Spatial Planning. Prior to this Ministerial position, he served as Programme Manager on Climate Change Innovative Finance at UNDP, New York (2009-2012); Senior Advisor to the President of Portugal (2006-2009); Secretary of State for Science and Higher Education (2003-2004); Secretary of State for Environment and Spatial Planning (2004-2005); Member of the Portuguese Parliament; and Member of the European Parliament (1999-2003). As Member of the European Parliament, he was the Standing Draftsman on climate change and he authored the Report and the political agreement on the EU GHG Emissions Trading Directive in 2003. 

Jorge Moreira da Silva graduated from the University of Porto with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and holds a postgraduate degree in Senior Management from the AESE-IESE Business School, Navarra University, Spain. 

Pedro Michael Serra
Head of Sales Polyamide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Pedro Serra, born in July 1977 in Germany graduated 2000 in Economy at the University of Applied Science Niederrhein in Germany.

He started his plastics career on January 1st, 2006 as a Sales Manager in UBE Engineering Plastics S.A..

After Sales activities in several different countries and regions, Pedro became Head of Sales in UBE Engineering Plastics S.A. in 2012 and was responsible for the Global Sales Activities in Extrusion Polyamides.

In 2017 he moved from Sales into Business Development Leadership at UBE Engineering Plastics S.A., before joining BASF SE in July 1st, 2018.

Responsible in that Position for the Sales & Marketing and Business Development incl. Sustainability of Ultramid® Polyamide Grades.

Ricardo Pereira
Chief Executive Officer at Sirplaste, S.A.

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Ricardo Pereira is CEO of Sirplaste, S.A., the largest plastics recycling company in Portugal, which was recently acquired (majority stake) by SCGC that is one of the largest integrated petrochemical companies in Asia and a key industry leader.

He has a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Aveiro.

Most of is life has been dedicated to waste and plastics recycling, taking part of several working groups. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese Plastics Pact.

In terms of associative movement, Ricardo is the Vice President of APIP – Associação Portuguesa da Indústria de Plásticos (Portuguese Plastic Industry Association) for Recycling area and representative of APIP at Interfileiras – National Association for the Reclamation, Management and Recovery of Packaging Waste.

Virginia Janssens
Managing Director at Plastics Europe

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Virginia Janssens joined Plastics Europe as Managing Director in March 2020 with a clear mandate to help accelerate a solutions-driven approach, working towards the circularity and climate goals of a sustainable plastics industry. Building on eight years as Managing Director of EUROPEN (the European Organization for Packaging and the Environment), Virginia brings considerable experience in business-critical issues, engaging with different parts of the plastics value chain, and key EU policy priorities.

Prior to EUROPEN, Virginia acquired her knowledge of the Brussels arena working for a leading public affairs consultancy on multi-sector clients including food, chemicals and energy.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Political & Social Sciences from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, and a second Master’s Degree in Intercultural Management from the ICHEC Business School in Brussels. Virginia is a mother of a young boy and lives in Ghent.

Zita Krammer
Senior Packaging Sustainability Manager at Unilever Brazil

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Zita Krammer has been developing cutting-edge packaging, for 21 years, helping leading brands overcome significant challenges in implementing innovations. Well experienced in project management bringing the balanced combination of business opportunities and technical possibilities.

At Unilever, Zita Krammer had the exclusive opportunity to launch new shapes and varied materials throughout Latin America with Regional, Local and Global scope with the brands: Seda, Rexona, Close-up, Dove; OMO, Lux, Knorr, Arisco and Hellmann’s.

Currently works strongly in environmental causes, connected to the purpose of business growth, bringing reduction of environmental impact that also contribute positively in the social sphere. Responsible for leading the first project to implement Post Consumption Resin in cosmetic bottles in Brazil on a large scale.

Invited to participate in COP26 – UN Climate Change Conference Glasgow and talk about the use of PCR (Post-Consumer Resin).


– Industrial Chemistry – Unimep

– MBA – Business Administration – Ohio University

Alexandre Dangis
Co-Founder and President at Waste Free Oceans (WFO) Foundation

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Alexandre Dangis is the founder and Managing Director of European Plastics Converters (EuPC), the EU-level trade association of the European Plastics converting industry and Polymer Comply Europe (PCE), a service provider for the plastics industry specialised in EU legislation.

In 1996, Alexandre also created Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), the association representing plastics recyclers in Europe, where he held the position of Managing Director until June 2016. He is a Board Member of PolyCert Europe as well the Co-Founder and one of the two Presidents of the Waste Free Oceans (WFO) foundation, fighting against the problem of marine litter.

Daniela Cordova
Academia Member from Tecnologico of Monterrey

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Dr. Daniela Cordova has more than ten years of experience in oil, mining, food and electronica industries. She is a researcher associated with the Tecnologico of Monterrey in Mexico and a member of the global team on Green Competitiveness at the World Bank. Daniela analyzes private sector engagement opportunities to adopt circular economy practices and infrastructure assessment for circularity. Additionally, she implements circular economy models in cities to optimize the use and reuse of resources based on sustainable indicators in order to achieve the SDG’s 2030. Dr. Cordova has a Ph.D. in Engineering specialized in Circular Economy and a master’s degree in Sustainable Development.

Hans Axel Kristensen
Co-founder and CEO at PLASTIX

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Hans Axel Kristensen is the co-founder and CEO of PLASTIX, a clean-tech mechanical recycling company that is committed to tackle plastic pollution preventively, by transforming waste plastic fibres, such as nets and ropes from the maritime industry, into high-quality Green Plastic raw material. Employing co-creative and innovative processes, Hans has driven the development of sustainable technologies, enabling the transition to a circular plastic economy that conserves valuable resources and reduces CO2 emissions.  

Born 1966 in Denmark, Hans holds a Master’s degree in Law and has held various international executive management positions at companies such as Scandic Hotels, Dell, and Carlsberg. Hans is an outspoken advocate of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and green economic growth.

Hans most recently received the 2021 Plastics Recyclers Show Europe Award for best Building and Construction Product with the Circular Green Rope- the world’s first full cycle closed rope.

Maria Perez Sainz
Circular Economy Specialist Technician at Nueva Pescanova Group

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Maria Perez Sainz is currently a Circular Economy specialist in the Corporate R&D Department of Nueva Pescanova Group.

Professional in the Packaging and sustainability sector, with more than 14 years of experience. Previous professional experience: ecodesign specialist at Ecoembes. Before, work as quality, environment and R&D technician at Tetra Pak.

Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Salamanca with a Master’s Degree in Engineering and Environmental Management from the EOI School of Industrial Organization. In addition to specific training in packaging with the ISM (Higher Institute of the Environment), Barcelona Institute of Packaging.

Marisa Lameiras da Silva
General Director for Portuguese Maritime Policy

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Marisa Lameiras da Silva is currently the General Director for Portuguese Maritime Policy. Before this she has had leading roles in shaping environmental policies, namely as Head of Strategy for the Portuguese Environmental Agency and adviser to the Portuguese Minister of the Environment and Climate Action, as well as responsible for the coordination of the national Action Plan for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.

In her previous role she was heavily involved in maritime policies as being adviser to the Portuguese Minister of the Sea responsible for the Sustainable Ocean Economy and several subjects and projects such as offshore renewable energy, blue bioeconomy, blue innovation and circular economy.

Her background is a degree in Chemical Engineering, a MSc in Sanitary Engineering and a MSc in Project Management. She has held multiple roles including Environmental Consulting, Environmental Compliance Specialist, Senior Program Management (for strategic national environmental projects), among others.

Marta Martínez-Gil Pardo de Vera
Assistant Deputy Director in General Subdirectorate for the Protection of the Sea

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Alcalá, Master in Environmental Engineering and Water Management (EOI, Madrid). Began her public service at the Center for Studies on Ports and Coasts, where she worked on different environmental aspects of the marine environment. Since 2013 she works at the General Subdirectorate for the Protection of the Sea in the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and demographic challenge, in 2015 was nominated Head of Human Activities Area, linked to Marine Strategies as well as to the International Conventions for the Protection of the Sea. Since June 2022 she is Assistant Deputy Director in the same Unit.

Pedro Pablo Diaz Herrera
Former VP of Latin America at The Coca-Cola Company and Former Ambassador of Chile in Portugal

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Solid professional experience of plus 40 years in multinational and national companies (The Coca-Cola Company and Embotelladora Andina) in several senior management positions in Chile and Latin America.

Extensive experience in representing the State of Chile in diplomatic and consular missions.

Development and implementation of investment promotion strategies, new businesses and communication and marketing strategy.

Sílvia Machado
Senior Advisor for Environment and Climate at CIP - Portuguese Business Confederation

Speaker of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Graduated in Chemical Engineering, with training in LCA, Quality, Environment and Integrated Management Systems, and SME Management, she began her professional activity in 1996 as a researcher in the petrochemical sector at Repsol Quimica in Spain.

Returning to Portugal, she collaborated with the National Environment Agency in the implementation of the Industry Environmental Adaptation Contracts, and in 2000 she began her activity as an Environment consultant. For 20 years, she worked with the National Association of Ceramic and Glass Industries, where, in addition to responsibility for environment and energy issues, she was also responsible for the Association participation in several European research projects.

Since 2020, she is Senior Advisor at the Portuguese Business Confederation (CIP) for Environment and Climate Policies. She represents CIP in Business Europe’s Industrial Affairs Committee and is a member of several working groups of the European Confederation, such as the Environment WG and the Energy and Climate WG. With extensive experience in regulatory issues, she follows closely the implementation of the European Green Deal, intervening and defending the position of national businesses to enhance the importance of having a regulatory framework that considers companies’ competitiveness together with the protection of the environment.

Fátima Poças
Prof. at Católica University / Vizelpas

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Fátima Poças is BSC in Chemical engineering (Porto University) and Master in Packaging (School of Packaging Michigan State University), PhD in Biotechnology – Science and Food Engineering (Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa) She teaches packaging materials and systems for the last 30 years and integrates the Research Centre CBQF/Laboratório Associado since 2009. 

Research work includes mass transfer processes applied to packaging and materials safety assessment, in particular biomaterials and recycled plastics. She coordinates the Food Quality and Safety Centre (CINATE) since 2013. She represents Portugal at European Network of Food Contact Materials Laboratories and has served as expert in several working groups of European Food Safety Authority. She coordinates the Portuguese National Reference Packaging Laboratory since 2004. She represents Católica in Pacto dos Plasticos and Smartwaste Portugal

Fausto Freire
Prof. at Univ Coimbra & Coordinator of the Center for Industrial Ecology

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Fausto Freire is Associate Professor at the Dep of Mechanical Eng., Univ of Coimbra (UC), focusing on developing and implementing life-cycle based approaches and Circular Economy systems to enhance the sustainability of products and systems. Faculty at the MIT-Portugal program and MIT visiting Scholar (2011-2012). Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan in 2008. Has studied and coordinated several projects on industrial, energy and transportation systems, including plastic products and packaging. Currently, is focused on ecodesign and implementation of Circular Economy systems, as well as extending LCA to include uncertainty, MCDA, optimization and economic aspects. Named to the Reuters Hot List of the world’s top climate scientists, which identify the 1000 most influential scientists. Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Environmental, Elsevier.

Filipe de Botton
Chairman at Logoplaste

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Born in 1958 father of 3 and grandfather of 5 and a half , Filipe de Botton has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from «Universidade Católica Portuguesa”.

Between 1980 and 1991, he represented the following banks in Portugal: Crédit du Nord (France), Banc de Sabadell (Spain), Banque Bruxelles Lambert (Belgium) and Bayerische Hypotheken und Wechselbank (Germany).

From 1985 to 1990, Filipe de Botton was a Founder and Member of the Board of Interfinança , a private bank sold to Millennium BCP, and, between 1990 and 1991, he was a Founder and Member of the Board of Fonsecas & Burnay, Sociedade Gestora de Património, which is now part of the BPI group.

In 1976, he founded Logoplaste with his father and became CEO and main shareholder in 1991. Logoplaste is one of the main worldwide producers of rigid plastic. It has 70 factories in 16 countries – in Europe, NAFTA, Vietnam and Brazil – with sales of over 800 million euros.

Filipe de Botton is also involved as a Shareholder and Director in: Portobay; Santini; Logowines; Logofruits; Invesfin; LACS; Mesacer; Sixty Degrees.

He is Founder President of the Portuguese Diaspora Counsel and a French Foreign Trade Advisor.

He is also President of the CADin , Centro Apoio Desenvolvimento Infantil.

He was President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa Alumni from 1989 to 2001, Director of the Hotel da Lapa in Lisbon from 1990 to 1994 and Member of the Board of Sporting Clube de Portugal between 2006 and 2009.

João Menezes
Secretary-General at BCSD Portugal

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Graduated in Management, João Meneses has held various management and leadership positions in the public and private sectors, as well as in the third sector. Among other functions, he was president of ONGD TESE, coordinator of GABIP Mouraria at Lisbon City Council, director of the Mouraria Innovation Center, an incubator for creative industries, Secretary of State for Youth and Sports in the 21st Constitutional Government of Portugal and, more recently, general manager of an investment fund for business angels and an accelerator at Porto Business School (University of Porto).

He was also a guest professor at two Portuguese universities for about ten years and a columnist for an economic newspaper. He attended several training courses for executives in the field of sustainability, at several international universities, such as: Harvard, Kellogg, Stanford, INSEAD, Cambridge and IMD.

Nirina Ramanoarimanana
Plastic Material Engineer / Sustainability Leader at DECATHLON

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Nirina Ramanoarimanana is a 27 year’s old raw material engineer in the PLASTIC/COMPOSITE division of DECATHLON. He has been in the company since 2018, where he did a master’s degree internship.

DECATHLON is her first professional experience, but in 4 years, he had the opportunity to consolidate her knowledge around environmental data, life cycle analysis and plastic raw materials.

Paul Hodges
Chairman at New Normal Consulting

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Paul Hodges is a trusted advisor to major companies and investors. He chairs New Normal Consulting, a Swiss-based strategy consultancy advising Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, investment banks and fund managers, and also serves as chairman of NiTech Solutions and the Advisory Board of Infinity Recycling. He is a Global Expert with the World Economic Forum and a regular speaker at international conferences, and appears regularly on Real Vision, Forward Guidance and other leading media.

Paulo Lemos
Policy Officer at European Commission

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Paulo Da Silva Lemos has a degree in law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. From March 2017 until present, Paulo Lemos is the Policy Officer at Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) B1, working on the Plastic Strategy Ecodesign and Digital. In 2016 Paulo Lemos worked as advisor to the President of the “Comissão de Coordenação Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo” and published a study on the potential of circular economy. Between 2013 and 2015 he held the office of Secretary of State of Environment and Land Management. In 2012, he was the Deputy General Director of the Portuguese Environmental Agency and served as a member of the Ecoap – eco-innovation High Level Group, as well as a member of the Management Board of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Between 2005 and 2011, Paulo Lemos was an Environmental and Climate attaché to the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the EU under which he chaired the Working party of environment during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2007.

Susana Viseu
Founder and President at Business as Nature

Speaker of the 3.rd Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Susana Viseu has more than 25 years of experience in Sustainability, Climatic Transition, Circular Economy, Blue and Green Economy, Product & Process development working as advisor and consultant to national and local governments and to different companies and invited professor of several Universities.

Currently she is Founder and president of the NGO Business as Nature, and consultant of the President of the Portuguese Republic for climate and energy transition, environment, water resources, oceans and inland development.

Business as Nature as the mission: to contribute to the promotion of sustainable production and consumption, of the circular and low carbon economy, with special emphasis on attention to the involvement of women as influencers and direct agents in this process of change and economic and social development, thus also aspiring to encourage female empowerment and entrepreneurship and gender equality. In this scope she is responsible for the Movement Women 4OUR CLIMATE from Portuguese speaking countries to the World.

She played functions, as:

Environment, Safety and Sustainability Manager at SGS Portugal (Societé General de Surveillance) working as project manager and environment & sustainability consultant to the main companies in Portugal, from different sectors of activity;

Advisor to the Secretary of State of the local Administration;

Advisor of several municipalities and regions, developing regional sustainability strategies, smart and sustainable cities, adaptation plans for Climate Changes;

Member of the board of private equity companies in the green sector as renewable energies, energy efficiency, waste management, forest management and management of carbon funds.

Clarissa Morawski
CEO and Co-founder at Reloop

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Canadian, Clarissa Morawski co-founded the Reloop Platform in 2015, (headquartered in Brussels and New York) – an international not-for-profit which combines expertise, scientific analysis and engagement with value-chain networks to better define, communicate and deploy waste minimization policies and operations.

Clarissa brings nearly 30 years of technical, analytical and communications experience in waste minimization policy. She has authored more than 100 articles and cover stories on Extended Producer Responsibility and circular economy for recycling publications and taught waste management at Trent University (Ontario) from 2010-2015. More recently, in her role as Reloop CEO, Clarissa has been actively engaged in waste and circular economy policy development at European Union level.

Cynthia Menéndez
Sustainable Cities Coordinator at WWF Mexico

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Cynthia Menéndez Garci-Crespo is an expert in low emission development, mainly focused on urban development and sustainable mobility, with solid experience coordinating projects and working with multinational and multidisciplinary groups. Cynthia has more than 10 years’ experience in sustainable development and climate change, working on projects in Mexico and other Latin-American countries. Currently, she coordinates the Sustainable Cities Program in WWF Mexico, leading the Circular Economy and plastics initiatives, among others.

Ms. Menéndez has a degree on Biochemical Engineering by the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico and holds a Master of Biotechnology by the University of Queensland in Australia. She is also member of the program in Advanced Studies on Environment and Sustainable Development (LEAD-Mexico) at El Colegio de México and in January 2022 was recognized by FORBES as one of the 30 most sustainable minds in Mexico.

Fatima-Zahra El Khalifa
General Manager at Renewable Energy Cluster

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Fatima-Zahra El Khalifa has a rich experience in Business development with a sharp expertise in the renewableenergy sector in Morocco. She graduated from ESSEC Business School in Paris and then worked as a Brand manager at Procter and Gamble in France after moving to London as a senior marketing manager at Nestlé UK. After few years, she moved to Shanghai where she held the position of Business development manager at Bansard International. In 2011, Fatima-Zahra came back to Morocco and joined a renown consulting firm as a manager where she has been supporting Masen – Moroccan Agency for sustainable Energy – within the implementation of the Renewable energy Strategy in Morroco. Fatima Zahra joined the Renewable Energy Cluster as General Manager in 2017.

Cluster Solaire is a non-profit organization that supports the Moroccan renewable energy ecosystem to design new emerging technologies and applications that reduce carbon emissions and preserve the planet but also maximizes the investments opportunities within the sector.

Florian Huber
Chief Development Officer at Ernst & Young GSA (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Florian Huber is a Decarbonization and Transformation enthusiast. Connector. Entrepreneur and Mentor. Speaker.

Florian Huber is an experienced transformation specialist who brings OLD companies into their NEW Carbon-Zero reality. Over the years he have done this in different roles as consultant, CRO, startup entrepreneur, advisory board member, coach, CDO (Chief Development Officer) of EY in DACH and Quarterback for the EY Parthenon Build Up. In her current roles as founder of EYCarbon and Leader of EYAct in Europe. Florian try to make sustainability simple, to make it doable. To do this he address all the complex questions around our shared challenge to decarbonize our societies and value creation.

Giulia Gregori
Head of Strategic Planning and Corporate Communication at Novamont

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Giulia Gregori is Head of Strategic Planning and Corporate Communication at Novamont, world’s leader in the bioplastics sector and in the development of biochemicals and bioproducts from renewable origins.

She entered in Novamont in 2000, after graduating in Pure Chemistry with a specialization in Bioinorganic (University of Milan, Leiden University). She is responsible for Strategic Research&Innovation Projects and Corporate Communication, managing also external relationships with public and private funding institutions.

She is member of the Governing Board of Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), the public-private partnership between the European Commission and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium, and member of the board of directors of the University of Eastern Piedmont. She is Secretary General of the Italian Cluster of Circular Bioeconomy SPRING and member of the National Coordination Group for the Bioeconomy at the Presidency of Council of Ministers, in charge of the development and implementation of the Italian Bioeconomy strategy.

Jorge Cristino
World Leading Expert in Sustainability

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Jorge Cristino is an engineer, master’s in International Relations, postgraduate in Environmental Law and specialized in Development Cooperation and European Studies.

He currently works as a public manager in the state’s business sector, in the environment area. He is a jury for the climate change indicator of the ECOXXI Municipalities Program – Green Flag and a member of the Task Force for the recognition of Climate as a Common Heritage of Humanity, at the United Nations. He is regularly invited as a specialist in initiatives for ​​sustainable development and is the author of the book “A Missão das Cidades no combate às alterações climáticas”, as well as several scientific and opinion articles.

Jorge Cristino was Head of the Office of the Secretary of State for the Environment, in the XXI Constitutional Government. He founded and chaired several civic and cultural associations and, at municipal level, was deputy to the council in the areas of Environment, Urban Services, Mobility, Municipal Civil Protection, Urban Planning and International Relations. He was the founding President of the Environmental Research and Education Centre, Laboratório da Paisagem de Guimarães, member of the Board of Directors of CVR – Centro de Valorização de Resíduos and of the company Vitrus Ambiente EM, SA.

Marta Moreira Marques
Behavioral Scientist at NOVA Medical School

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Marta Marques is a behavioral scientist, holding a senior research fellow position at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School, a visiting researcher at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and Centre for Behaviour Change at the University College London (UK). In 2021 she served as a member of the Portuguese COVID-19 Behavioral Science Task Force, and of the Executive Committee of the European Health Psychology Society.

Rafael Melero
Polyolefins Marketing Manager at Repsol

Speaker of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

After graduation as a Chemical Engineer at EHICS in Strasbourg, France, Rafael started as a consultant and later joined REPSOL where his have been working in Sales and Marketing for Polyethylene and Polypropylene in different countries and applications such as PP Extrusion, Adhesives, PE Film, Agriculture, Pipes and Cables.

Now Rafael hold the position as Polyolefins Marketing Manager where coordinate several projects to reach target of recycling a 20% of polyolefins production by 2030 in line with commitment with Energy Transition and improving Life Standards. To this end, REPSOL are strongly promoting mechanical and chemical recycling and also the Waste-to-Chemicals Ecoplanta® to be built in Tarragona.

Bernard Merkx
Building and Construction Sector Manager at EuPC

Moderator of the 4th. Panel – The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality: Plastics Industry Roadmap to Decarbonization. Climate Citizenship and Planetary Health

Bernard Merkx is a renowned plastics recycling, waste management and meanwhile marine litter expert with a broad high-level network both in the international public and various private industry sectors.

Next to his career in the international plastics industry, where he held several senior management positions in among others Schoeller Allibert, a globally active plastics converting group, he has devoted a lot of time and energy to establish a solid legal and economically viable basis for today’s European plastics recycling industry.

From 2008 till 2011, he has been CEO of a masterbatch and compounding frontrunner company that specialized in producing special recipes for recycled plastics using state of the art technology, pigments and additives. In 2011 Bernard MERKX established The Netherlands based consultancy company Green Wave Plastics which aims to assist companies in the international plastics & rubber industry, fishery and some other industries in the transition to improve sustainability and profitability by offering pragmatic solutions.

He is frequently asked by (inter-) national authorities to give expert views on specific topics. Thereby he is using his over 30 years of experience in these domains. He is member of various Board of Directors and Advisory Boards and co-author of several studies on environmental issues. Since November 2011 he is Honorary President of Plastics Recyclers Europe after 12 years of Presidency. Next to the above, Bernard Merkx is co-founder of Waste Free Oceans Foundation, the Brussels based not-for-profit organization that is actively working on solutions of marine litter challenges. Identifying sources, working on prevention, organizing and supporting active clean-ups in various parts of the world. Turning retrieved marine litter plastics waste streams into valuable products. Since May 2019 Bernard is also managing director of ESWA (European Singleply Waterproofing Association) on a part time basis. He supports ESWA and its members into the transition towards even more sustainability and circularity and is in charge of the ESWA RoofCollect initiative since early 2020.

Catarina Canelas
Journalist and coordinator of Environment, Planet and Sustainability at CNN Portugal

Moderator of the 2nd. Panel – Pollution of the Oceans: The true causes. Effectiveness of Current Solutions, and Challenges for the Future

Catarina Canelas started in journalism in 2003, at TVI. In 2005, her curiosity for the Orient took her to Macau, where she was a journalist at TDM – Rádio Macau for almost three years. Back in Portugal, he returns to work at TVI, mainly on socially relevant issues, writing several major award-winning reports. She was also an information pivot at TVI24 and a Guest Professor at ISCTE.

She is the author of the documentary series of reports “Plástico, O Novo Continente” which has won several national and international awards and distinctions.

She is currently a journalist and coordinator of Environment, Planet and Sustainability at CNN Portugal.

Elsa Agante
Team Leader Energia & Sustentabilidade na DECO PROTESTE

Moderator of the 3rd. Panel – Ways to Avoid Greenwashing

Elsa Agante, PhD in Earth Science and Engineering from the Imperial College London, has worked in the environmental sector for more than 20 years. She is currently Team Leader of Energy and Sustainability at DECO PROTESTE, the major consumer organization in Portugal and part of the EUROCONSUMERS group that is the world’s leading consumer cluster, gathering five national consumer organisations and giving voice to a total of more than 1.5 million people.  

With a focus on the consumer, Elsa aims to create content, develop projects, and cooperate with stakeholders to promote more sustainable products and services. Topics such as waste management, overpackaging, greenwashing, decarbonization of the economy and energy transition, premature obsolescence, and circular economy, among others, are in her daily lives.

Jorge Portugal
General Manager at COTEC Portugal

Moderator of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Jorge Portugal was a consultant to the President of the Republic for innovation and entrepreneurship and to the Government of Portugal for the area of ​​modernization of public services.

Experience in Information and Communication Technologies, Distribution and Banking.

PhD in Mechanical Engineering at IST. MBA from NOVASBE.

Filipe Domingues
Secretary-General at Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean

Host Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022

Co-author of the Biography of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, «Honest Broker».

Secretary-General of the Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean and Co-Founder of the Center for the Cooperation in Cyberspace.

Graduated in Communication Sciences and with postgraduate studies in Diplomacy and International Relations.

Bruno Silva
Head of Circular Economy and Environment at PIEP

Media Officer Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022

Bruno Pereira da Silva is Head of Circular Economy and Environment at PIEP, the Innovation Center in Polymer Engineering of the University of Minho, where he develops research, development and innovation activities in the field of Circular Economy and Environment in partnership with national and international industry for different sectors of application.

Participation in different platforms at national and international level, including his participation as a nominated member for the Circular Plastics Alliance of DG Grow of the European Commission, the Portuguese Plastics Pact, and ECP4, the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform.

Bruno Pereira da Silva, graduated in Polymer Engineering from the University of Minho, Specialization in Design and Manufacturing of Automotive Components by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and with participation in Advanced Training, on the Project Management Course and the Advanced Management Programme, held at Porto Business School. PhD student in Waste Management and Treatment in the field of Circular Economy from the University of Minho.

Cátia Morais
Environmental Engineer and Technician at APIP - Portuguese Plastics Industry Association

Operations Manager Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022

Cátia Morais has a Master in Environmental Engineering – Environmental Management, from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal)

Her professional activity started at SGS – Sociedade Geral de Superintendência S.A., where she was for ten years as Key Account Manager and, later, as a technician in the ​​Environment and Safety services, carrying out activities in environmental and safety monitoring services, inspections, and audits in several industries.

Cátia is also Health and Safety Technician – Level VI and has background on Quality, Environmental and Safety management systems.

Since June 2021, she has been part of the Technical Department of Portuguese Plastics Industry Association (APIP) to strengthen the skills of the technical staff in supporting its members and developing ongoing projects in circular economy and sustainability areas.

Cátia is the Operation Manager of Plastics Summit – Global Event 2022, supervising the organization team and activities related to the event as sponsorships, partnerships, among others.