PSGE admin 08/10/2024
6th October 2025
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About Plastics Summit - Global Event

Don´t miss this global event

After the highly successful first edition, in 2022, the Plastics Summit – Global Event (PSGE) will return in 2025 with new topics, updated information, scientific knowledge, and new challenges. By coming together with a shared goal for a just transition we will continue “moving into action… creating a sustainable future”.


The 2025 edition will also have the presentation of the results of the Sustainable Mobilising Agenda for Sustainable Plastics in Portugal.

Check out what they say about Plastics Summit - Global Event

Exploring Challenges and Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Ten years after the Paris Agreement and with only five years remaining to reach the 2030 targets for energy transition and decarbonization, alongside the introduction of mandatory sustainability regulations (ESG) for industries, processes, and products, as well as for consumers behaviors, it is crucial that this industrial sector meets its targets towards a sustainable future.
PSGE 2025 will be a pivotal event for driving multi-sectoral and international networking and knowledge sharing, placing a strong emphasis on people and planetary health. Our key themes include Circularity, Transition, Resilience, Adaptation, Safety, Integrity, Regeneration and Interdisciplinarity.
We will also continue to explore critical aspects related to Resources, Oceans, Recycling, Behaviors, Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development.
Four topics will be addressed in four rounds of debates over solutions for economy, society, industry, and the environment.

1st Panel
Keep Looping:
Enhancing Circularity

The circular economy has gained significant presence as a strategic factor for business and industry as crucial enabler of a sustainable economy, and a lever for overcoming resource dependencies. However, the circular economy continues to be a challenge for this industry and any sector of the value chain.
At a time when several new legislations are emerging and new requirements and targets will be set for the collection, recycling and recycled content (PPWR, ELV/Auto, Food Contact, Pellet Loss prevention and control), it is important to explore the main challenges, opportunities, barriers and bottlenecks on the way to closing the loop.
Mechanical and chemical recycling, biowaste, recycled content, eco-design, traceability and case studies are subjects of matter importance for this discussion.

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

2nd Panel
Transition Pathways:
A Societal Approach

Many of our major transition challenges are not only related to raw materials, technology, and industrial processes, but also to consumption patterns, social behaviors, ethical communication, fair marketing, political decisions, and legislation. These must be based on true knowledge and research. The Global Plastic Treaty (UNEA resolution) to end plastic pollution and the Green Claims Directive to fight against greenwashing practices are two approaches which highlights this need. Furthermore, the way information is conveyed between organizations and to the consumer/society needs to be based on evidence, with a strong focus on overcoming disinformation and going beyond mere “educating”. The industry should globally pursue credibility and trust and address current challenges by embracing a culture of integrity, responsibility and transparency built on compliance with ethics, safety, human health, human rights, sustainability, and social responsibility within the plastics sector.

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

3rd Panel
Resilient Industry and Integrated Management

A just transition is necessary for both people and industry. To become more resilient, it is essential to have the capacity not only to adapt but also to adopt a foresight and preparedness approach to tackle climate change and unpredictable geopolitics events, among other societal and challenges. To achieve European and global targets, the industry will need to accelerate the green transition for a net-zero industry (decarbonization) or negative emissions. On the other hand, with an increasing number of ESG regulations, standards and sustainable finance emerging worldwide, it is crucial to bring to the debate their implications for business practices and global markets. We will also have the opportunity to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in this area and how it could be leveraged to embrace more sustainable and efficient practices.

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

4th Panel
Regenerative Ecosystem Architecture: From cradle to cradle

Pollution and biodiversity loss are two crises we must combat now. Creating a regenerative economy, raising awareness, and securing funds for global actions that add value to our common good are crucial to the Earth System. Healthy oceans, increased forestation, and ecosystem restoration are fundamental for our life. The challenge we face is not individual but collective and systemic. In fact, ecosystems that restore, renew or revitalize their own sources of energy and materials help our planet thrive, but this requires a scale of change that demands full commitment and global cooperation.

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

Chairman at Plataform for Sustainable Growth

Policy & Advicacy Strategy Director EMEA P&SP at Dow Chemical

Head of Sales Polymide & Precursors EMEA at BASF

Circular Economy Specialist Techincian at Nueva Pescanova Group

The SUSTAINABLE PLASTICS Project aims to become the Mobilising Agenda for Sustainable Plastics in Portugal, capable of leveraging the sector’s transition to a truly circular economy. Co-financed by the Portuguese Recovery Plan, this Agenda is the result of an APIP initiative, led by the Logoplaste Innovation Lab, and aims to mobilise the private sector, national authorities, universities and citizens, contributing to the objectives of the European Circular Economy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, greater resource efficiency and job creation.
At the Plastics Summit – Global Event 2025, the “Sustainable Plastics Stage” will be the stage for presenting the results of the 14 projects that make up this Mobilising Agenda.


8.00AM - 9.00AM
9.00AM - 9.15AM
Opening Cerimony
Amaro Reis

Presidente da Associação Portuguesa da Indústria de Plásticos | APIP

Rita Marques

Secretária de Estado de Turismo, Comércio e Serviços | Governo de Portugal

09.15AM - 10.45AM
Keep Looping: Enhancing Circularity
10.45AM - 11.15AM
11.15AM - 12.45AM
2nd Panel
Transition pathways: A Societal Approach
12.45AM - 2.00PM
2.00PM - 3.30PM
3rd Panel
Resilient Industry and Integrated Management
3.30PM - 4.00PM
4.00PM - 5.30PM
4th Panel
Regenerative Ecosystem Architecture: From cradle to cradle
5.30PM - 6.00 PM
Closing Session
Isabel Ferreira

Secretária de Estado do Desenvolvimento Regional | Governo de Portugal

João Galamba

Secretário de Estado do Ambiente e da Energia | Governo de Portugal

  • Networking Cocktail
8.30AM - 9.00AM
Opening Cerimony
Amaro Reis

Presidente da Associação Portuguesa da Indústria de Plásticos | APIP

Márcia Damas

Líder Empresarial da Agenda Sustainable Plastics | Logoplaste Innovation Lab

Jorge Coelho

Coordenador Científico da Agenda Sustainable Plastics | Universidade de Coimbra

  • 10.00AM - 10.45AM
  • 10.45AM - 11.00AM
  • 11.00AM - 11.15AM
WP1 - Circularity by Material Design
  • PPS1: New MP
  • PPS2: Eco Board
WP1 - Circularity by Material Design
  • 10.00AM - 10.45AM
  • PPS1: New MP
  • 10.45AM - 11.00AM
  • PPS2: Eco Board
  • 11.00AM - 11.15AM
  • 12.45AM - 1.00PM
  • 1.00PM - 1.15PM
  • 1.15PM - 1.30PM
  • 1.30PM - 1.45PM
  • 1.15PM - 2.00PM
WP2 - Circularity by Product Design
  • PPS4: Frascos MG
  • PPS5: Aro SIE
  • PPS6: Recicla+
  • PPS7: Neutro.Bottle
  • PPS8: Nirvana
WP2 - Circularity by Product Design
  • 12.45AM - 1.00PM
  • PPS4: Frascos MG
  • 1.00PM - 1.15PM
  • PPS5: Aro SIE
  • 1.15PM - 1.30PM
  • PPS6: Recicla+
  • 1.30PM - 1.45PM
  • PPS7: Neutro.Bottle
  • 1.15PM - 2.00PM
  • PPS8: Nirvana
  • 3.15PM - 3.30PM
  • 3.30PM - 3.45PM
  • 3.45PM - 4.00PM
WP3 - Circularity by Recycling
  • PPS9: Connected Singularity
  • PPS10:
  • PPS11: Ecotelepoles
WP3 - Circularity by Recycling
  • 3.15PM - 3.30PM
  • PPS9: Connected Singularity
  • 3.30PM - 3.45PM
  • PPS10:
  • 3.45PM - 4.00PM
  • PPS11: Ecotelepoles
  • 5.15PM - 5.30PM
  • 5.30PM - 5.45PM
  • 5.45PM - 6.00PM
WP4 -Circularity by Alternative Feedstock
  • PPS12: BiFibRe
  • PPS13: Biofilm
  • PPS14: Olivepit_Cutlery
WP4 -Circularity by Alternative Feedstock
  • 5.15 PM - 5.30PM
  • PPS12: BiFibRe
  • 5.30PM - 5.45PM
  • PPS13: Biofilm
  • 5.45PM - 6.00PM
  • PPS14: Olivepit_Cutlery
6.00PM - 6.15PM
Closing Session
  • Networking Cocktail

Check out what they say about Plastics Summit - Global Event

Watch the Highlights of the first edition


Secure your place at the
Plastics Summit - Global Event 2025

Early Bird Ticket

199 €

  • Access to the entire event
  • Access to lunch and coffee-breaks
  • Access to the Networking Cocktail
Regular Ticket

275 €

  • Acsess to the entire event
  • Ascess to lunch and coffee-breaks
  • Ascess to the Networking Cocktail
Last Call Ticket

350 €

  • Access to the entire event
  • Access to lunch and coffee-breaks
  • Access to the Networking Cocktail
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Platinium Sponsors
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Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
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Institutional Partners
Media Partners
Information coming soon
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Jorge Moreira da Silva
Chairman at Platform for Sustainable Growth

Speaker of the 1st. Panel – The Effectiveness of the Regulatory Measures Applied to the Plastics Value Chain. Reflections on their Elaboration, Implementation and Monitoring

Jorge Moreira da Silva is Chairman of the think-tank Platform for Sustainable Growth (which he founded in 2011) and Professor at Sciences Po, in Paris.

He recently stepped down as Director of the Development Co-operation Directorate at OECD, in Paris (2016-2022). From 2013 to 2015, he was Portugal’s Minister of Environment, Energy and Spatial Planning. Prior to this Ministerial position, he served as Programme Manager on Climate Change Innovative Finance at UNDP, New York (2009-2012); Senior Advisor to the President of Portugal (2006-2009); Secretary of State for Science and Higher Education (2003-2004); Secretary of State for Environment and Spatial Planning (2004-2005); Member of the Portuguese Parliament; and Member of the European Parliament (1999-2003). As Member of the European Parliament, he was the Standing Draftsman on climate change and he authored the Report and the political agreement on the EU GHG Emissions Trading Directive in 2003. 

Jorge Moreira da Silva graduated from the University of Porto with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and holds a postgraduate degree in Senior Management from the AESE-IESE Business School, Navarra University, Spain. 

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